Kiwanis Installation

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From: Jessica Tary Reply To:
Good morning fellow Kiwanians! Our installation date has been set for Sunday, September 17th at 12:00pm. We will be hosting a champagne brunch at the Miracle Mile Event Center, 2580 Miracle Mile.
We will be thanking our current board and installing our new board as well as inducting members who have not been inducted into the club yet. There is no cost to our club members, but guests will be $20 and that will be to cover food and champagne costs.
Special requests. If you have a 0-3 year old picture of yourself (only Kiwanians) please send one to Maria for a special game we will be playing. Don’t tell other members which picture is yours! Also, if you have pictures of our past year, please send them to me so they can be included in our year recap video.
Current board: President: Jessica Tary Past President: Sheila Barnett Pres. Elect: Karen Dallman Vice President: Gevey Vaughn Secretary: Trevor Long Treasurer: Derrick Voss Director: Ken Sondgeroth Director: Maria Ortiz Director: Frank Bolen Director: Gerry Allen Director: Ross Cortese
Board being installed: President: Karen Dallman Past President: Jessica Tary Pres. Elect: Annette Cortese Vice President: Louis Oliverio Secretary: Trevor Long Treasurer: Derrick Voss Director: Gerry Allen Director: Gevey Vaughn Director: Bob Ensley Director: June Shaddock Director: John Kearns
Members who will be inducted at installation: Erika Townswick Megan Townswick Michelle Talley Elizabeth Peck Dana Walter Deb Drake
Please RSVP to Jessica (Club members & guests) so we can get an accurate could for food. 928-296-0748 Text or email work best. Thanks!
Hope to see you all there.
Jessica Tary Kiwanis Club of the Colorado River President
This e-mail was sent from Jessica Tary via Kiwanis of the Colorado River messaging system