From: Jessica Tary Reply To:
Good morning! I hope you all are doing well. I have missed seeing all of you these past couple weeks, but I should be back next week to finish out my last term as President. Thank you to everyone who has stepped up to run the meetings and keep everything going while I’ve been away healing. I am starting to feel much better.
Karen has appointed me Membership Chair for the upcoming year, and I would like to start a committee that will focus on the goal of creating a club membership experience that’s rewarding for current members and inviting to others. I will be focused on member events, bringing back quarterly family fun days, celebrating members birthdays and anniversaries, and making sure we are moving forward as a group who loves volunteering and being together! The duties of this committee will be to:
Karen has appointed me Membership Chair for the upcoming year, and I would like to start a committee that will focus on the goal of creating a club membership experience that’s rewarding for current members and inviting to others. I will be focused on member events, bringing back quarterly family fun days, celebrating members birthdays and anniversaries, and making sure we are moving forward as a group who loves volunteering and being together! The duties of this committee will be to:
• Plan membership drives and special member events.
• Ensure new members are immediately involved in club activities.
• Execute membership action plan.
• Encourage club members to invite others to meetings and service projects.
• Plan and execute a fun and informative new member orientation program.
I’ve been working on a membership calendar of birthdays and Kiwanis anniversaries. I have attached it here. If anything is incorrect or missing, please let me know.
If you would like to join me on this committee, please let me know.
Thanks everyone and I look forward to seeing you soon!
This e-mail was sent from Jessica Tary via Kiwanis of the Colorado River messaging system